Dos and Dont’s
Rules - they’re everywhere. Even when it comes to your orthodontic care! The dos and don’ts of having braces and orthodontic treatment not only keep you safe, they also make your teeth stronger and help your treatment proceed as quickly as possible. Here are some very important things to keep in mind when you want the best orthodontic results.
Eating Habits
DO remove any removable appliances before meals
If you wear a removable appliance such as Invisalign or a retainer, remove it before meals. Chewing in a removable appliance could cause it to accidentally be broken, or misshaped.

DON’T eat foods that are too sticky or hard
Sticky foods like taffy, caramel, or bubble gum can pull off appliances that are bonded to your teeth. Hard foods like nuts, carrots, or apples can break them off as well. Stick to softer foods, or food that can easily be cut into small pieces without damaging your appliances when you eat them.

DON’T snack frequently throughout the day
Frequent snacking throughout the day will result in excessive plaque buildup on your teeth, as well as increased acid exposure. This will increase the likelihood of developing white lines or spots on your tooth enamel, or even cavities.

DO drink lots of water
Water is a natural cleanser, and is great for helping flush away acids and bacteria from your mouth. Since orthodontic treatment provides extra surface areas for bacterial plaque to accumulate, drinking lots of water will limit this. It will also decrease your risk of tooth decay.

Oral Hygiene
DO see your dentist regularly for preventive care.
Regular cleanings are important for all orthodontic patients. The removal of tartar and plaque, as well as screening for areas of cavities and enamel demineralization help keep your teeth healthier.

DO brush after each meal, and consider investing in an electric toothbrush
Brushing above, below, and between any orthodontic appliances or brackets is extremely important. Most people need to brush for a minimum of two minutes twice each day for efficient plaque removal…orthodontic patients may need to brush twice as long. Consider investing in a high quality electric toothbrush to make your brushing more effective.

DON’T skip on the flossing
Even the very best toothbrush cannot clean between your teeth. These areas are more prone to cavities and gum disease. Be sure to floss or use a water flosser between every tooth, every day.

DO use a supplemental fluoride each day
Fluoride helps restore minerals into tooth surfaces that have been weakened. Orthodontic patients are susceptible to more plaque accumulation, so fluoride will decrease your risk of white spots and repel cavities. We may also recommend a professional strength fluoride varnish twice a year to restore lost minerals in the teeth as well as to reduce sensitivity.

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